Wednesday, 10 November 2010


"Personality can open doors,
but only character can keep them open."

Elmer G. Letterman

Tuesday, 9 November 2010


Back again... but only for a short while.

Had a great tour in Italy, aside from half the shows being cancelled.. I got so desperate at one stage we actually packed up the lorry and headed all the way up to Belgium. Might avoid that next year, although i say that every year.

Curly (aka Heracross) and Merlin had quite a few placings between them in the ranking classes in Pinerolo, LaBagnaia and San Giovanni. Clear CC played her part in Pinerolo, Moorsele and San Giovanni, so i couldn't be happier with them! My Camera seems to be permanently out of action (I won't name names) so no videos this time unfortunately. Managed to climb 30 places on the FEI ranking list so things are slowly but surely looking up.

Spent last weekend in Cavan, Ireland, great atmosphere there, and a good time to shake off the cobwebs before the next trip. The horses had to leave sunday morning though on account of a terrible weather forecast... no surprise there... so they are steadily making their way down to Montpellier.
Back in London now till Thursday, and then it begins:
  • 11 - 14/11: CSI3 Montpellier
  • 18 - 21/11: CSI3 Wieze
  • 02 - 05/12: CSI4 Salzburg (hopefully: waiting on confirmation)
Very excited about this actually, would love to end the year with a bang!