Saturday, 26 February 2011
Up Up and Away!

Thursday, 24 February 2011
News "En Route" Cntd.
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
News "En Route"

Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Climate Change

Monday, 21 February 2011
Quote of the Day
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Last night at BallyLawn

Friday, 18 February 2011
Thursday, 17 February 2011
Special Day
"INVICTUS" William Ernest Henley (1875)
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Christie's Auction Update
Wake-up Call
Quote of the Day
Monday, 14 February 2011
Christie's Auction House

Saturday, 12 February 2011
The Domino Effect
Friday, 11 February 2011
Going Green

Just finished reading "Developing Wind Power Projects" by Tore Wizelius, and now my new book has arrived! Its waiting for me at home, so if my flight from Cork to London ever takes off, it won't be too soon.
Quote of the Day
Thursday, 10 February 2011
Welcome to the Team!
Heading off on “tour” this time is the ever-faithful Alyssa Cooper (Head Groom) and her friend Frances Ross who will be joining us for work experience. She’s only sixteen, so I really hope she enjoys her time away. Look forward to seeing them both. I’m hoping the girls will post regular updates on my blog from our travels –you know… to mix it up a bit!
There’s also a new addition to the horsepower: Merlin, Curly, Clear and now Annie (aka Fair Play 111). She belongs to Micky McCann, 6 years old, and fabulous! So excited about her actually… she is the mare I went to see in Belfast…. How well did that turn out? Like to think of myself as a doer more than a talker.
Francis Connors will make his way down to see us now and again - to make sure everything is on track.
Flying back to London tomorrow for the weekend. Alyssa gets here Monday and that'll be our last week of prep.
Getting really close now, can't wait!
keep you posted.
The Countdown Begins...
Its great to be back! Four weeks into training the horses, after a well-deserved break, and three weeks away from the Italian tour, I’m feeling oddly calm running through my mental checklist…
- Horses back in shape: check
- Dentist: check
- Veterinary Inspection: check
- Practice shows: One down, two to go.
- Feed ordered and delivery date set: check.
- Ferries booked: check
- Stabling: check
All that’s left is packing the lorry, organizing the tack, “haircuts” and shoes for the foursome.
We’ll set off Wednesday 23rd February. Rosslare to Fishguard, stopping in Dover, then Dijon. ETA: Friday evening at my parents’ place in Valbonne (15mins from Cannes). My friend Nathan Primrose is doing me the MASSIVE favour of driving the lorry down – I ask him all the time, frankly I think he’ll just start blocking my calls one of these days.
So here’s the POA (thus far):
- Follonica
- Follonica
- Follonica
- San Remo
- San Remo
- Chieti
- Pioltello
- San Giovanni
- San Giovanni
- Caserta
The only confirmed show, for the time being, is the Follonica Jumping Tour in March. Might adopt a more “laissez-faire” attitude this time around; what will be will be.
Gotta bring our A-game though. As Martin Luther King jr. so wisely said: “The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy”.
Let it begin…