Monday, 11 July 2011

Fortune Favours the Brave

Back from our three week multi-cultural extravaganza... and all is well. The emotions settle down and give way to self doubt and you're left thinking "what was I so excited about? It didn't go that well... should coulda woulda..." The intensity of adrenaline in competition is such that you can feel on top of the world with a good round regardless of winning (or perhaps thats just me..) but eventually rationale and perspective kick in. That's just my way I think, one small step at a time, slowly but surely, wouldn't want to rock the boat... hmmm that strategy might be worth a rethink.

To what extent does sports psychology factor? Skill (an ongoing practice in itself) is a prerequisite but not the only key to success. The basics of a "winning attitude" / mind technology (or lack there of) come into play: self belief, confidence, stress-management, focus, self-motivation, optimism and positivity. In my personal experience even the slightest hesitation, self-doubt and split second lack of focus will be reflected on the course. Mistakes are un-forgiven the majority of the time.

"The psychology of winning requires making use of every possible advantage including building mental strength and resilience under adverse conditions. Some people come to sport with a strong predisposition, some do not and have to build it. Whatever you standard in your chosen sport you can always improve your performance through an aligned psychological mindset. Its not just the way you think but how you think and process information. Some players leave it to chance, others ensure they have the maximum preparation not just physically but psychologically too." (

Perhaps its time to explore the road less travelled by (at the very least further research is in order) - maybe I can be a winner too! ... I'll keep posted.