A bit delayed I know, but here's a photo reel from the local show Pam and I went to during our stay in Hickstead. I had some visitors in toe (who wouldn't normally get to see us in action) which was a real treat for me that day. Lovely memories from an otherwise very normal day, hope you enjoy a glimpse of it.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Saturday, 26 November 2011
No Place Like Home
I've had such a lovely week in London. The horses are at home, resting in Ballylawn for the month - which gives me all the time in the world to catch up with friends and family, and basically have a semi-normal life.
The week's been busy enough. Surprise birthday party for my sister Trish (the big 3 0), apartment hunting across NW London with Allan, Dave's goodbye party in Clapham, Priscilla Queen of the Desert west-end show, catching up with high school friends Alex and Patrick in Camden last night - such great fun!
On a more serious note, trying to market the horses as best I can and see what happens by the end of the year. Always an experience to review the results of the year, what you did right, where you went wrong - adapt and improve for the year ahead. STRATEGY will be the word of the month. A lot of my year was spent chasing after points to perhaps attempt to "fit a profile", the straight and narrow (as they say) has never really been my thing. Merlin played a massive role in all of this, but I wont use him in the same way next year - no matter how tempting it is! He's in the best shape of his life and that needs to be preserved.
Hope to get to work on some non-horse related projects over the winter as well, here's hoping. Interview set for Monday (can't tell you about that just yet), christmas dinner in the City with Cass Masters class (can't wait to see everyone) Friday, and hopefully some ice-skating and Avenue Q muppet show in the weekend. Might try to nip down to Hickstead to ride a bit. I'll keep you posted :-)
Monday, 14 November 2011
CSI3W Leszno
All is well that ends well...
We had such a great weekend in Poland. Started off very unlucky - Merlin injured himself at Hickstead the day before we left (only slightly, nothing to worry about!) but what timing! Obviously he came along "for the ride" - could never leave him behind :-) but he just had a bit of a vacation in freezing leszno. This meant that Curly would have to hold up the fort.
There were two qualifiers for the World Cup and two for the GP - the same horse could not compete in both and the average result (in terms of ranking) after both qualifiers would determine the top 60 riders eligible for each class.
I decided to put Curly (Heracross) in the World Cup qualifiers and hope for the best as neither of us had ever done one before. Last fence down in the first phase on day 1 (ended up 33rd) hmmm.... clear and 7th in ranking class day 2, great result. World Cup day, the course was actually much bigger than I'd expected - apparently one of the FEI judges was there to inspect that the course was in fact at the dimensions specified in the program i.e. up to 1m60 in some spots. Luckily for me Curly is a bit of a beast and quite frankly isn't phased by anything... The triple combination was quite spooky for the horses and having watched the other riders, they all seemed to struggle as they came in too fast - i went the opposite route and actually took him back too much which meant he really had to stretch to get us out... my bad... that's life - you live you learn. He is so elastic that i should have trusted that I'd have no problems getting him back from a higher pace.
I really think he showed himself off though, jumped absolutely beautifully and I'm thrilled to say we're back in sync.
Other than that, must say that Pam and I had a fab time in Leszno - really a great show and special thanks to Edward and Julia Bunn (Hickstead) for driving us there and back, what a treat! On such a high now... we left the show early Sunday morning and I hopped off the lorry at Gatwick airport to take the train back to london. the boys will be back home at ballylawn (Waterford) Thursday morning.
Friday, 4 November 2011
Coming Soon
Just had a crazy week... driving back and forth to Hickstead, helping my brother with his dissertation and generally trying to keep on top of things, i haven't had much time to write! very sorry about that. Training show on at Crofton Manor tomorrow to prep for Poland next week - hoping to get some good pictures of our "new digs" on Sunday so you can see for yourselves where we've been hiding :-). planning to write this blog post (properly) Monday afternoon to fill you in on my wonderful Hallo-weeK at home in London. In other words, to be continued....
![]() |
home sweet home |
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Merlins Magic CSI3 Caen 2011
CSI3 Caen: such a beautiful show but my worst show this season by a long shot. The excuses are there to choose from (first indoor etc etc) but all in all one of those weekends I just cant bare to relive so I'll try to keep my description of it short and sweet like a twitter feed:
I lost my stirrups day1 in the 1m50 GP qualifier. Against my better judgement i tried to jump the triple bar related distance down to the first combination anyways - not a good idea. Merlin is too sensitive for that, so after that line I circled and then finished the course. I'll spare you the exact details, I'm sure your imagination is vivid enough.
Day 2: I had to put him back in the big class as we were not yet qualified for the GP. Jumped 1-3 fine, if anything slightly too careful (to be expected after the previous day's charade) then three strides down to the first big oxer and he just lost his nerve, hesitated and gave it a good smack so i jumped the next fence and called it a day. No point going on after that.
All is well that ends well. I rode him in the consolation class sunday and as you can see (above) he was his usual beautiful self - fighting spirit in tact :-) he'd forgiven me! Placed 13th in 1m40 speed class and paid his entry fee thankfully.
Curly (aka Heracross), his usual mischievous self, decided to take the opportunity amidst spotlights and spectators to act up in the ring making quite the show of himself - didn't get away with it this time though!
Pam, myself and the boys are staying at Hickstead for the next two weeks before heading to the world cup qualifier in Leszno Poland 10-13th November. Hopefully enough time to get ourselves back on track. wish me luck.
PS my sponsors MUSTAD are hosting a massive clinic in county kildare 14-16th Nov together with the Grant Moon. Kildare Racing School, Irish Farrier Authority, Curragh House, Dublin Road, Kildare Town. Should you wish to attend or for further information please contact John at Irish Equestrian - john@irishequestrianproducts.ie or call 00353 45522999 or contact Louise Pehrsson on 0044 7792929877 or email Louise.pehrsson@mustad.se
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Quick Catch-up
Crazy couple of weeks - getting ready for my first indoor show this season CSI3 Caen. The horses are leaving Ballylawn this evening, i'll take the train to Dover tomorrow and hop on the lorry from there. looks like a great show so counting down the hours now... CSI3 Assen were actually very good to offer me a personal invitation to their show (as the swedes had not been allocated any places) unfortunately its also on this weekend - seems my place didn't go to waste as other swedish riders will be going instead. Very thankful to the organizers for giving me a chance though!
I've had my thinking cap on this week - helping my brother out with his undergraduate dissertation. Really enjoying it actually, especially the added perspective of looking at my own dissertation 5 years ago, and how much more in depth my analysis has become after an Msc. Contemplating the prospects of taking on a PHD in Finance..... Dr S. Finetto.... ? Nice.
On a side note, my brother Max is hosting a great night at Dorsia nightclub (South Kensington) tonight - he's got DJ Sak Noel flying over from Spain to perform... you know: "Loca People"!!! check out the promo below and please contact him to get on the guest list (as its a members club). Will I see you there??

Friday, 23 September 2011
Back to the Drawing Board
Just back from our three week trip to Italy - Arezzo, Pinerolo and La Bagnaia. Lovely sunny weather, and the horses were in great form but some how, in terms of results, we were left wanting.
CSI3 Arezzo. I rode both Merlins Magic and Heracross. Merlin popped around the 1m35 classes Friday and Saturday to get back into the swing of things. Heracross and I jumped straight into the deep end in the Rolex Ranking GP Qualifier class on the Friday (we had been "separated" for a wee while) - clear with two time faults but qualified for sunday. Saturday again the RR qualifier, second last fence down. Merlin then jumped the 30,000€ Olympic qualifier Grand Prix. Clear in the first round - a walk in the park. I was third last to go in the jump off (we had a very fast time in the first round) out of 14. I made the mistake of turning sharply to the second fence (oxer) - BOOM had the second fence and then the third fence. One might call it a total lack of strategy, which is rather unlike me, terrible none the less. Ended up with a a 12th place and maybe 120€ after tax.... smart move Steph!
Week 2 Pinerolo: Francis came down to ride Heracross as there are not enough classes for these two horses with one rider - need to get into the CSI4 for that. Its not really the type of ring that would suit him, very small, no room for a "gallop" or any kick off the surface. They had a very unlucky one down weekend. I jumped merlin on the Friday in the ranking class, clear and 12th. He had the saturday off and then early to go in the GP sunday. Last fence down. Enough said.
Week 3 La Bagnaia: What a beautiful place but my God too many riders - 132 starters in the RR GP qualifiers.... So basically you work so hard, the horses jump their socks off and you end up with a 16th place.... the equivalent of 5th place out of 40 riders. Francis and Heracross had two super first days - clear and placed in both RR GP Qualifiers (18th and 16th). Merlin was clear and qualified on the first day (but not placed), and we had a fence down the second day so I retired (no point jumping for a 70th place). Sunday was a bad day - we both had two fences down in the GP - that's life I'm afraid.
So now its back to the drawing board. the horses are home resting in the field and i'll be heading off with them in just under three weeks time for a "last effort indoor tour" so to speak. kicks off with CSI3 St Lo October 13th to 16th, and who knows from there on.... the usual madness of trying to get invitations :-). I'll be jumping both horses and perhaps given a third... time will tell.
Heading back to Ireland next week to prep. Promise to be in greater spirits next time I write!
Sunday, 28 August 2011
Quote of the Day: The Wall Street Journal
"What are we to think of his loyalty to his father, other than as a proverbial case of the dog returning to his vomit? Nothing much I suspect, except as a fresh reminder that tyrants are not just tortured souls or over-zealous ideologues or misunderstood dreamers, and that evil is never banal and often self-conscious. The essence of tyranny is lust for power. and people will sacrifice for their lusts."
Bret Stephens #The Libyan Apprentice: Seif al-Islam Gaddafi
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Long Time No....

Just back from a 9 day summer break in Cannes (that's where my family lives and where i grew up). Its hard to believe that I didn't quite literally fall off the face of the earth, what with the London riots, US debt ceiling fiasco / credit downgrade for the government, and Europe's worsening debt crisis consuming every minute of the real world. What a novelty to truly shut oneself off and simply live in immediate surroundings; beach, sun, sea, nightlife. What is it they say? Ignorance is BLISS.
Back in the real world, Francis was given a place to compete at the CSI5 in Dublin so I was thrilled for him to take both Heracross and Merlins Magic and represent the Highfort Stud family. An unlucky weekend overall, one down and one down and one down, but my boys certainly held their own against the competition, it was just one of those weekends of tiny touches. Heracross was placed 8th in his first 6-bar competition, and beyond that what an experience for him to jump in front of such a crowd!
He continued with Heracross at Millstreet Horse Show the following weekend, racking up an impressive 2nd place in the GP qualifier, 1rst place in the 6-bar (he obviously learnt a thing or two in Dublin!) and a 3rd place in the 1m55 GP. Not a bad weekend's work.
And now, for myself, its back to business. I'm in London for a few days sorting out all the admin (i'll spare you the details) awaiting my return. Off to Waterford Friday morning, getting the horses ready for the trip - heading to Italy in just under two weeks time. So far I've planned for CSI3 Arezzo, CSI3 La Bagnaia - hoping to find other shows in between and after: tricky. With Merlin and Curly in toe (and perhaps a third....) Pamela O'Rourke and John Scarff once gain prepare to brave the open road.... all i can say is: here we go again :-) .
p.s. a little fun fact: remember the Jumping Follonica Tour I did at the start of the year? Well, they've used my picture (and Merlin's) for their promo (see link below):
I remember them telling me that they would use it on next year's ads that's why I had to sign it - first autograph ever! what a picture hey..... hahaha...
Monday, 11 July 2011
Fortune Favours the Brave
Back from our three week multi-cultural extravaganza... and all is well. The emotions settle down and give way to self doubt and you're left thinking "what was I so excited about? It didn't go that well... should coulda woulda..." The intensity of adrenaline in competition is such that you can feel on top of the world with a good round regardless of winning (or perhaps thats just me..) but eventually rationale and perspective kick in. That's just my way I think, one small step at a time, slowly but surely, wouldn't want to rock the boat... hmmm that strategy might be worth a rethink.
To what extent does sports psychology factor? Skill (an ongoing practice in itself) is a prerequisite but not the only key to success. The basics of a "winning attitude" / mind technology (or lack there of) come into play: self belief, confidence, stress-management, focus, self-motivation, optimism and positivity. In my personal experience even the slightest hesitation, self-doubt and split second lack of focus will be reflected on the course. Mistakes are un-forgiven the majority of the time.
"The psychology of winning requires making use of every possible advantage including building mental strength and resilience under adverse conditions. Some people come to sport with a strong predisposition, some do not and have to build it. Whatever you standard in your chosen sport you can always improve your performance through an aligned psychological mindset. Its not just the way you think but how you think and process information. Some players leave it to chance, others ensure they have the maximum preparation not just physically but psychologically too." (http://winnersmind.co.uk/)
Perhaps its time to explore the road less travelled by (at the very least further research is in order) - maybe I can be a winner too! ... I'll keep posted.
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Merlins Magic CSI4 Fontainebleau GP
Fontainebleau was amazing! We arrived at the showground Wednesday afternoon having stabled two days at the "Hippodrome de la Solle" less than 10mins away. Perfect stables, perfect parking.... perfect timing.
There was a warm up class on the Grand Parquet (main arena) Thursday afternoon, whereby you could essentially jump whatever you wanted within the time frame of 90 seconds. I decided to just stroll around the ring and let Merlin have a good canter around it, there was no need to jump after the last two shows and he was certainly in great spirits with nothing but grass around him!
FRIDAY 24th June 2011
1m50 Rolex Ranking GP Qualifer 30,000€: Jump Off Class
We were double clear!!! 9th place overall
There were 73 riders on the startlist and my oh my what a collection of riders and horses - the top of the top all the way. Only 23 would qualify for the GP that day, there were 26clears after the first round so needless to say, I was absolutely thrilled with our 9th place.
Result List:
I decided to give the big man a break on the Saturday as we were already qualified for the GP - good job too as the heat was really taking a lot out of them.
SUNDAY 26th June 2011
Grand Prix 1m55/60 120,000€ CSI4
It must have been over 30degrees that day, I had merlin out and about for some light exercise bright and early to avoid the crowds and flies. Only 40 riders in total qualified for the Grand Prix plus 3 that were pre-qualified (Kevin Staut, Eric Navet, Philippe Le Jeune). Walking the course I felt I needed to step back for a minute just to take it all in: this would be the toughest class we'd done all year with the highest prize money and level of riders. 18th to go in the class and we had a fence down after the triple combination - I think I just moved him up a gear and ended up too forward to the fence. Such a pity, we were 17th anyhow and I couldnt be happier. We certainly held our own against the competition, and the buzz from riding in that ring with that crowd will keep me going for while.
Result List:
Check out the video from the Grand Prix above.
The lorry arrived at Ballylawn early this morning - boys are home safe and sound. Next up Francis will taking Heracross to the Premier League shows in Omagh and Blessington to try to qualify for Dublin Horse Show. Merlin will have a two week vacation in the fields and then I hope to take him to the CSI4 in La Coruna (Spain) - still hoping on an invitation. In the meantime will get cracking on Clear CC to see if she will be ready for Lanaken this year.
Will keep you posted as always :-)
Monday, 13 June 2011
CSIO SOPOT Nations Cup
What a wonderful weekend...
My first senior Nations Cup and Merlin's second, and we came 3rd! Such a blast - have never experienced anything like it. Think I was very lucky to be a part of this particular team as we were close-knit from the get go. Jens and Erika (who are both very experienced) made a point of generating a certain atmosphere from day 1.
Round 1: Jens clear, Nicolina 8fts, Me 4fts, Erika 4fts.
I jumped straight into the water... don't ask me why. We just weren't on the same page - its amazing the things you dwell on after a course walk just because you heard something in passing. I happened to be walking behind the french team who were just going on and on about it - "look far behind the water etc etc" for some reason its all I could think about, and poor merlin got lost in translation. He jumped beautifully otherwise.
After round 1 we were in 3rd position. And we made sure to stay there!
Round 2: Jens clear, me 8fts, Erika clear.
She had some amount of pressure on her after my round, and she certainly delivered! As for myself I was much calmer and focused than i thought I would be i.e. didn't totally fall apart as I had in the nightmares weeks before... That said, i just couldn't get that water out of my head - managed to drop another foot in it this time and then a fence down after that. Merlin deserves all the credit though, in two full rounds he only had one fence down and barely broke a sweat.
Overall not too bad, we were 3rd out of 11 nations, the second best swedish result in the promotional league so far, which brought us to the head of the league for the first time (by 3points) - just what we need to get back into the Meydan league!
Wishing the team in Drammen the best of luck this weekend!
As for me; heading to Roeser (Lux) Thursday morning then CSI4 Fontainebleau - my "Grand Parquet" comeback a decade later :-)
Monday, 30 May 2011
Home Sweet Home
We made it back in one piece!
The horses arrived home to Ballylawn Stud last Thursday night after a rather long trip away (three months... can't believe it...). As you can imagine, being let free into those huge open fields Friday morning caused quite the stir. They had five or six days to relax and then back to work.
As Merlin and I have been selected to compete on the Nations Cup team in Sopot, Poland (9-12 June) his "vacation" will have to suffice as short and sweet. We head off Saturday evening on the night ferry (John Scarff and Pamela O'Rourke in toe) - "We" being myself, Merlins Magic and temper tantrum personified: the infamous Heracross... Here's hoping the Highfort Stud boys bring their A-game - might do well to screw my own thinking cap on.... hmmm there's a thought. CSI3 Roeser (Lux) will be the next show on our way back to Waterford.
Clear CC and Miss Annabelle will have to sit this one out, they're only young after all and still processing their latest adventures I believe.
I had a great weekend over in Ireland. Lovely weather and the shows are always good fun - so nice to be home. There's a very country-specific humour and kindness in Ireland - nothing like it. I jumped Curly in the 1m30 - double clear and fourth so that was a good come back!
Just back in London for the day - off to Cork in the morning and showing in Ballyrafter wednesday I think. I'll let you know how we get on :-)
Thursday, 19 May 2011
Watch them in action:
Annie (aka Fairplay 111) 6 year old. Sire: Chellano Z x Heartbreaker
Owner: Michael McCann
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Af9o8dpFkw
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHyf5j1C9VA
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToBR6SFoXyU
Clear CC: 7 year old. Sire: Clearway x Alcatraz
Owner: CC Holsteiner Breeding
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFJJ6j8eNVU
Merlins Magic: YOB 1997. Furisto x Coole Lulu
Owner: Highfort Stud
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybOmfoAb5Vc
- http://youtu.be/j3oHsuz5h6g
News Flash: Merlin and I have been officially put on the Nations Cup team for Sopot Poland (9-12 june). Very exciting!!
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
CSI3 San Giovanni Week 1 - 2

This was the state of the ring the day before we made our way to San Giovanni. Suffice to say, the 30degrees greeting us on arrival were a welcomed change. The Horses Riviera Resort, set in the heart of San Giovanni in Marignano, is nothing short of idyllic. Its the attention to detail and fine touches that make all the difference, and frankly the sheer cleanliness of the place is quite a novelty in this sport. Hmmm... I could get use to this...
Good results overall, but nothing spectacular over the two weeks. Two placings with Merlin in the 1m50 classes and 1 down the rest of the time and an out-of-character water touch in the Grand Prix (aarrgh!!). For a while there I was really building up a track record of randomn "touches", thought I'd never get rid of that ever so frustrating "4-fault syndrome". Sports psychology really comes into play here, its amazing how things happen just because you convince yourself that they will - as if subconsciously you are already pre-conditioned to make a mistake... In layman's terms you "psyche yourself out".
Week 1 CSI3 San Giovanni
Fairplay: 6yo class - clear round
Clear CC: 7yo class - clear round
Merlins Magic: 1m50 FEI RR - placed 22nd out of 93 riders.
Fairplay: 6yo class - clear round
Clear CC: 7yo class - clear round
Merlins Magic: 1m50 FEI RR - 1 down (4fts).
Fairplay: 6yo class - clear round
Clear CC: 7yo class - clear round
Merlins Magic: Grand Prix - A foot on the tape of the water... and a time fault.
The girls seemed to be handling the heat well enough the first weekend but Merlin seemed to be slightly down in his temperament. He's such a sensitive horse that any bother is reflected in his coat and demeanor. Epson salts work a treat and we gave him a blood booster on the Tuesday night to perk him up a bit - to be honest though I think what he needed was to roam around a field somewhere or at least graze a bit, such a wonderful setting but no sign of grass anywhere! On a brighter note the FEI results for April were taken into account and I've moved up to 350th in the world ranking list and 12th in Sweden (counting solely the FEI RR international results), great!!
Week 2 CSI3 San Giovanni
Fairplay: 6yo class - 4fts
Clear CC: 7yo class - 8fts
Merlins Magic: 1m50 FEI RR - 4fts.
Fairplay: 6yo class - clear round
Clear CC: 7yo class - 4fts
Merlins Magic: 1m50 FEI RR - clear round placed 14th (jump off class) out of 89 riders.
Fairplay: 6yo class -double clear round (immediate jump off)
Clear CC: 7yo class - 8fts
Merlins Magic: Grand Prix - Non-Partant.
Hectic second weekend. Claes and Carin from CC Holsteiner Breeding came down to see Clear CC (their 7year old mare that I've been riding for over a year now). And as luck would have it, we had our worst weekend ever (in terms of results). She is an extremely careful horse and clear 80% of the time (if not more) so I have been quite spoilt with her :-). Here goes with the excuses:
- They decided to run the 7year old class in the Grand prix arena so there was certainly a lot to look at.
- 30 degrees temperature was starting to take its toll, she didn't have her usual spring and felt quite lathargic in the ring.
- We've been on tour since end of Feb and perhaps she's just a bit bored now.
Personally I just put it down to hard luck and bad timing. When she's good, she's very good and it would be nice for the owners to be around to see it (not just on video). It was wonderful to have them there though as they're so supportive of the other horses as well!
Annie's (Fairplay) owners were there aswell - Michael and Barry McCann - It would have been the first time they had seen me compete her in person so absolutely thrilled that it went so well. I'd spent the last few weeks really focusing on getting her to make the same distances as the bigger horses (i.e. cover as much ground) and she's improved massively.
Merlin was in great form but the weather on GP day took a turn for the worst. The arena was holding up well for the first 20 riders but then as the hail came it just became a sloppy disaster.
I decided not to ride him ( I was 40th to go) not worth the risk and he's been consistently clear or 1 fence down in 1m50s since the end of Feb, so I really didn't feel like I had anything to prove.
John, Pam and Alyssa are on their way home to Ireland now with the horses. All going smoothly so far, they ought to arrive in dover this evening. Can wait for them to be let out in the Irish fields :-)
A week's break for all of us and then back to work we go. Speaking of which I'd better get back to planning our next trip abroad. So much to do... so little time... Over and out.
Update: youtube videos coming soon!
Friday, 29 April 2011
CSI3 Pioltello
Pioltello was an interesting show... One of those weekends where nothing goes to plan but somehow works itself out in the end.
As a "comeback" show for Merlin I really couldn't have asked for more. He popped around the 1m40 (clear) on the Friday, clear again in the 1m45 FEI Rolex Ranking class on the Saturday (qualified for the GP) and a fence down in the GP. I rode into the triple combination a fraction strong and he just rubbed the middle part. The track was tough enough (1m50/60) to acomodate the level of riders there - Schwizer, Guerdat, Lamaze, Bost, Whittaker etc etc (basically the entire Swiss team and half the riders seen in Paris Grand Palais the previous weekend). Around 20 riders didn't even qualify for the GP (Etter, Hecart, Lundback, Pellegrin...) and considering Merlin was just back from injury and this being his first GP start of the season; he jumped out of his skin!
Curly took a back seat this weekend - he needs a bit of a rest in Ireland before I take him out again so trying to arrange for him to get home soon. The girls did very well as usual - Clear CC in particular jumped beautifully every day, she's actually starting to relax a bit now throughout the course and giving herself that bit of time to follow through her jumps. Annie is all about the "flash"... as always catching an eye or two...
Hans Horn was there which was wonderful as he really took the time to watch the horses closely and seemed to like them all! I think Merlin surprised him a little with his grand prix extravaganza... Something went my way anyways as I've now been put on the long list for both Lisbon and Sopot Nations Cups, so here's hoping!
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Youtube Links
Just back from CSI3 Pioltello, take a look at how we got on:
Fairplay 111 (aka Annie) 6yo: http://youtu.be/80VxxsZO0KQ?a
Clear CC 7yo: http://youtu.be/KSqS82_5Mto?a
Clear CC 7yo JO: http://youtu.be/82BL5r6C4Wo?a
Merlins Magic FEI RR GP Qualifier: youtube.com/watch?v=2Xg3Qn…
Merlins Magic Grand Prix: youtube.com/watch?v=jLnPKa…
Details coming soon!
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
All in a Day's Work
An eventful week to say the least.
After what seemed to be a very brief escape to London, I returned to Cannes in time to get Merlin conditioned and the others back on track after San Remo. Must say, Merlin was a walk in the park; three days of repetitive bursts of trotting and walking, trotting and walking, cantering and walking, trotting and walking - and now he's fit as a fiddle!
Never without drama:
I got a call from one of my owners Saturday night, and apparently a Swedish family (dealers) contacted him in the attempt to "steal" my 6yo Annie - the arguments being that the sons could develop her further than me, have access to bigger / more prestigious shows, and have wider contacts to sell her. One always tries to remain serene in such situations but how could you not be offended? For a start, I must be doing a good job with her, as is, if they are watching me all the way over there... Furthermore, last time I checked there aren't many riders donning 6 year olds in La Baule Nations Cup, and for that matter, how exactly did they obtain the inside information that I will not be getting access to any of the bigger shows this year? Takes a certain type of character to be so undermining... Enough said.
If nothing else, this just puts more fuel on the fire. Have now decided to ask my federation for almost every CSI4 out there, AND contact the shows directly, surely I'll get lucky and get a spot somewhere?? For now I have asked for Bourg en Bresse, Fontainebleau and La Coruna, also CSI5 Falsterbo - this year it seems they are taking 12 riders and I am 13th in Sweden, hoping to climb up the rankings though at the start of May. No news yet but something's gotta give, we can't just stagnate, not the way we're going, so please please please keep your fingers crossed for me!
On a brighter note it must be about 30degrees down here, absolutely beautiful. Had a great Monday/Tuesday - Francis Connors jetted in for 24hours so we could train the horses in peace and quiet at home. A boost in the right direction, he's gone before you know it - sprinkling just enough inspiration in his footprints. Always such a treat; a magician in his own right.
My friend Pamela O'Rourke flew in yesterday and she'll be staying with us for ten days (aren't we lucky!) - always a breath of fresh air. Today will be busy enough getting everything packed for Pioltello. The plan is to head off around 5am which ought to get us there around 11. Can't wait now, the countdown begins.....
Wish me luck!
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
San Remo week 2: 8-10 April 2011

How peculiar being at a show with Merlin and not being able to compete him... I've come to the conclusion that he is my "cash cow"; always brings home the bacon (delighted those economics lessons are finally paying off). He played a fabulous martyr though parading back and forth in his most fancy dress, four stitches, and nowhere to go...
The girls (Fairplay 111 and Clear CC) had a great weekend with only one fence down between them; consistent as ever. Curly on the other hand, it seems, has developed a slight case of schizophrenia (Alyssa certainly hit the nail on the head when she came up with that one); jumped beautifully friday and saturday, then took a notion to rear up mid-course in the Grand Prix - perfect timing as ever. We were at nothing, so I thought it best to retire. Clinically speaking; "schizophrenia is a mental disorder that makes it difficult to tell the difference between real and unreal experiences, to think logically, to have normal emotional responses, and to behave normally in social situations" (www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). Hmmm.
Fairplay 111: clear round - 6yo
Clear CC (7yo): 4fts - 1m30
Heracross: 4fts - 1m45 FEI Rolex Ranking
Fairplay 111: Double clear (jump off) placed 8th - 6yo (She bucked me off in the warm-up that morning! All's well that ends well, as they say...)
Clear CC: Clear placed 10th - 1m30
Heracross: Double clear placed 11th - 1m45 FEI Rolex Ranking
Fairplay 111: Double clear placed 8th - 6yo
Clear CC: double clear - 1m30
Heracross - GP (I'd rather not re-live it...)
None the less, an interesting show with tough competitors, and great networking opportunities! Sure I only managed to secure an extra 5 ranking points, but thats 45points so far this month! last week the points for March were taken into account which pushed me up to 13th in Sweden (from 14th) and 397th in the world (from 470th) - feeling rather happy about that right now. Such a funny sport though, you can be up one minute and down the next. You're not the only part of the equation.
Had to jet off to London straight after the GP for an "Offshore Wind Power" training early Monday morning - great fun jumping from one world into another. The horses are taking it easy for a couple of days till I get back (Thursday morning), and then its back to business - first thing's first... getting Curly (Heracross) to "play ball". Wish me luck!
Update: Putting the videos up on youtube now. Check them out: http://www.youtube.com/sfinetto
Monday, 4 April 2011
CSI SAN REMO 1-3 April

First weekend of the month and we managed to round up a cool 40 FEI Rolex Ranking points... and no its not April Fools! My boys and girls certainly brought their A-game to San Remo. Personally I think they were just thrilled to be back in a large grass ring, they love it... as do I. Cannot compare the bounce you feel off the grass to sand (in my opinion that is).
I was worried I'd made the wrong choice with San Remo as it had been downgraded from a 3star to a 2star, but it actually worked out quite perfectly; 3 FEI Rolex Ranking classes, two of which were open to two horses per rider - In essence I had 5 shots at collecting points... and cash! And the people there... both competitively and professionally - Jan Tops, Henk Nooren, Edwina Alexander, Albert Zoer, Geir Gullikson etc etc etc.... The perfect setting for business.
Friday 01 April:
- Merlins Magic 1m45 FEI Rolex Ranking class - 7th place (double clear - jump off)
Saturday 02 April:
- Fairplay 111 6yo class 1m20 - 7th place (double clear - jump off)
- Clear CC 1m30 - 12th place clear round (speed)
- Merlins Magic 1m45 FEI Rolex Ranking class - 7th place (clear - speed)
- Heracross 1m45 FEI Rolex Ranking class - 10th place (clear - speed)
Sunday 03 April:
- Fairplay 111 6yo class 1m20 - 7th place (clear - speed)
- Clear CC 1m30 - clear round but no placing - still thought it deserved a mention as she's only 7! So proud of her...
No joy in GP. Curly was clear until the last line, I turned too sharply to the oxer and he ran out the little devil! I don't blame him though... I lost my head for a second and he just thought "who are you kidding???". He jumped beautifully throughout, so glad to have him back in fighting form. We headed back home (France) straight after the GP so they can get a few days rest to roam the fields before we head back out Thursday morning.
Looks like my superstar Merlin will have to "sit this one out" as he had an accident with the fence in the field this morning. 4 stitches and a shot of antibiotics later and he's feeling particularly sorry for himself... as do I!! He certainly didn't deserve that... Guess we'll be spoiling the "patient" with apples, carrots and grass over the next week... anything to keep him in good spirits.
Videos should be up on youtube this time next week when I get back to London. Fingers crossed for this weekend! keep you posted.
Monday, 28 March 2011
Quote of the Day
"My wish for you is that you fall in love like a burning coal that falls into water and keeps burning."
Friday, 25 March 2011
All Set and Nowhere to Go
4.56am almost ready to head down to the bus stop, I took a second look at my watch and realised it was in fact 3.56am... My alarm was set to go off at 04.15am. What's that about? Its like that crazy reoccurring dream you just can't shake... Why do I always do this?
Time for breakfast and Top Chef to kill time. The bus ought to be here by 05.15. Really hope I manage to sleep on the flight!
So long London once again, Its been short and sweet as usual. Wish me luck in San Remo! I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
CSI3 Follonica Week 3

Sorry for the late post. Its been a hectic week. Got back to London Monday afternoon and spent the last two days uploading all available videos to youtube. They're up now anyhow so please take a look at my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SFinetto?feature=mhum
Merlin was by far my star of the last show: Placed 9th in the 1m50 GP Qualifier Friday, 6th in the GP qualifier Saturday, and 3rd in the 10,000€ mini GP on the Sunday. You just couldn't ask for more! He was in tip top form - As he is slightly anemic and felt a tad under the weather the week before, we gave him a series of 5 blood boosters over 5 days. And they certainly left their mark as you can see in the picture with Alyssa and Annie... back to his old tricks.
Curly was just having one of those weekends where you wish you had never bothered to get out of bed. 1down in the GP Qualifier friday and popped him half way around the 1m30 saturday. All sounds fine so far, but he just didn't feel like his usual perky self. He had endured a slight disruption to his routine in the week and it didn't go down well... to be honest i never thought he'd be so particular :-) Anyways; took a shot at the Grand prix and he decided to drop three fences within the first 5 before he got his act together. In fairness a lot of fences fell in that class, only one clear round and even the 8-faulters made it to the second round. But either way this is very unlike him. He is usually clear or one down, and sticks to those odds, but two or three times a year he just says "thats it... I'm not getting out of bed today"... What can I say... He's the boss, I just go along for the ride.
The girls (Clear and Fairplay) were in good form too. A fifth place for Clear and a clear round for Annie. Both exhausted now.
They arrived back at our place in France around 1am Monday morning and spent the last two days roaming the field. I get back to them Friday morning, just in time to regroup!
keep you posted as always.
Update: The organisers of the Follonica Jumping Tour got me to sign of picture of myself and Merlin to use in the advertisements and promotion of the tour next year. So nice of them!
Monday, 21 March 2011
Quote of the Day

"Cynicism is that blackguard defect of vision which compels us to see the world as it is, instead of as it should be"
Ambrose Bierce
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Another great weekend. Can't get over the form my little ones are in! Taller and tougher this time around.

Fairplay 111 (aka annie or miss annabelle...) jumped her heart out as usual in the 6 year old classes. We had the last fence down day 1, just a slight misunderstanding, but then a beautiful double clear (with a jump off) on the second day. She's really starting to follow through her jumps much smoother now and seems more comfortable at a higher pace. As you can see from the picture she was certainly mighty pleased with herself.
Clear CC had a productive weekend too. Double clear the first day - 7th place - always finds a way to bring home the bacon! 1 down the second day in the final. Really pleased with the way she jumped - looked the best so far on the video.

My magic Merlin delivered as always. After a particularly emotional few days, he sailed through two rounds of the 1m50 GP qualifier on the Saturday afternoon to a wonderfully appreciated 6th place. At times i truly believe he has a sixth sense and knows exactly when i need to rely on him. Its amazing. He's not a happy camper this week though as the rain just won't let up! I've kept him out of the ring entirely and just slalomed along the race course for three days. That and a few patches of grass here and there ought to perk him up...

Last but not least, the infamous Curly Wurly jumped his socks off yet again. Double clear (two rounds) and 9th place in the 1m50 GP qualifier on the Friday. fabulous. Popped him around the first 6 fences of the 1m30 on the Saturday just to settle his nerves a bit. And then a very unfortunate fence down in the GP. The awful weather conditions didn't help. After a long warm up full of disruptions to the class, we were both drenched to the core. On our way to the ring with a rug on his back and towel over his neck like a heavy-weight boxer i could feel him thinking "what on earth are you doing to me". Stepping into the giant puddle formerly know as the Giulia Arena I wanted to turn right around and leave. However, fearing the wrath it might incur I stuck to my guns and we made our way safely to the end. Steady steady the whole way through. So proud of my wee one!
So here goes another week. It has rained non stop since Sunday and so far the organizers have cancelled all classes tomorrow. The only thing to do now is pray for a bit of sun to dry the rings and off we'll go again. It seems we might be allowed to ride two horses in the GP qualifier on friday which would be great. Francis gets here late tomorrow night, thank god... sanity is on its way!
I'll keep you posted. Wish me luck.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
News From Abroad
One week gone, two to go in Follonica.
And what an eventful week its been! We left the stables in France Tuesday night and arrived safe and sound at the showgrounds Wednesday morning (aside from a minor mishap at one of the tolls... whoops). Just in time to set up the stables, lorry, get the horses out and complete the vet check.
We've been quite unlucky weather wise - a lot of rain and wind - so everything was cancelled on the Thursday. I couldn't help but think: "not again!!". What is it about me and shows??
Day 1.
The jumping kicked off Friday morning bright and early where Annie and I made our "debut" center stage - a lovely clear round in the 1m20 6 year old class. She was a little weary of everything around her, but i couldn't be happier with the way she jumped - a little firecracker...
Curly was next in the 1m35 - a taster class to get him into the swing of things - once again a clear round, top form and no complaints. I decided not to jump Merlin that afternoon as the ground was getting quite deep and loose as the day went on - we've got a long season ahead after all!
Day 2.
Started the day with Clear CC in the 1m25 7 year old class, and a clear round at that. Great form, she seems so much more settled around the course than last year. Its amazing how a nice long break over the winter just gives them the time they need to process everything they've learned throughout the year. She stayed consistent the whole way round the course, just getting the job the done... no fuss no muss... Merlin was next in the two phase 1m40 class - he jumped a beautiful clear round, magic as ever and fresh as a daisy! By the end of the day the weather was taking its toll on the ground, i Jumped Curly anyways - these big irish types aren't so fussy! we've been through a lot worse - I fence down in the 1m45 speed class, we got a bit stuck in the mud on take off. By 8pm that evening: time for bed!!
Day 3.
There's nothing like 3 horses jumping at the same time in two different rings to jump start your morning! I have to say, Alyssa and Fran handled it perfectly so it all went along without a hitch. Annie was clear again in the 6 year olds - a bit fresher that day, playing around inside the ring and disunited at times but boy did she jump her socks off! Clear CC had the last fence down in the second phase of the 7 year olds - I turned too sharply which just took her by surprise. Merlins Magic was clear and 14th in the 1m40 accumulator, perfect start! Later on Curly was double clear in the 1m45 Grand Prix - 16 went to the second round and we ended up 9th. He was incredible, i just need to put the pedal to the metal next time!
We've had a few days off now. I've made sure to keep the horses out of the ring, working them around the race track everyday. Great fun for them and me! I find they jump much happier at the show this way, no need to drill them constantly in the sand ring (unless there's a specific problem) and to be honest i think they build up much more stamina jogging around that track for an hour! It seems as though quite a few people have left (as a result of the arena) but it really wasn't that bad last week and the organizers have been working on the drainage and putting on new sand for the last three days, so you really couldn't ask for more.
The CSI3 starts tomorrow, I'll only be jumping Annie and Merlin (1m45) the first day. There'll be three FEI rolex ranking classes after that (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) so if I play my cards right I should be able to juggle Merlin and Curly between them). Looking forward to it anyhow (sun is shining now, not a cloud in sight!). I'll keep you posted, wish me luck!!
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Follonica Tuscan Tour

After a few days rest we are finally ready to "hit the road". And look at where we're going!! just praying for great weather at this point; seems as if that grey cloud has been after me for a while now... 110km south of Pisa (Italy) on the seafront, Follonica is meant to be a lovely place.
Merlin, Curly, Annie and Sugar were kept busy playing in the field over the weekend - popped over some fences today, it seems we're fit for fight... And we'd better be, just take a look at some of the participating riders (aka the conpetition):
We'll be leaving at midnight tonight, so about 12hours from now we ought to be finding our way through the town to the showground (GPS cant pick up the address... so some form of trial and error I suppose. Perfect!). Not sure what the wifi situation will be over there but here's hoping... I'll try to update my blog as much as possible - three weekends of shows, starts thursday the 3rd, finishes on the 20th. Wish me luck!
Why we have too few women leaders | Video on TED.com

Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders | Video on TED.com
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg looks at why a smaller percentage of women than men reach the top of their professions - and offers 3 powerful pieces of advice to women aiming for the C-suite.
Watch this video. One of those things that really makes you think... Change is needed but we need to get proactive and be a part of that change.
Saturday, 26 February 2011
Up Up and Away!

So here goes... My last night at home in London.
I'm all packed and ready to go, just passing time now trying to fall asleep - very hard knowing that i'll be getting a taxi to Heathrow at 04.30am! Feels so bitter sweet; looking forward to the trip and all but boy will i miss this place (I'll spare you the details). Dramatics over, I'm like a "man on a mission", but a woman, gotta reach those goals! Get those ranking points! sell some horses! make some money... hmmm... there's an idea...
Might wanna keep those fingers crossed for the time being...
The horses arrived safe and sound friday afternoon. Nathan flew back this morning and I'll be seeing Alyssa tomorrow. They all had a nice play in the field today... gotta get those muscles stretching tomorrow though, time's a wasting! This time next week I'll be putting my game face on.
Thursday, 24 February 2011
News "En Route" Cntd.
The horses arrived in Dijon safe and sound at 7pm this evening. They had to wait to get their health papers sorted in Dover so Nathan & Alyssa obviously weren't hanging about on the drive down!
Early start tomorrow morning, they need to be out the gates by 7am to get to the stables in Valbonne (our place - south of France) before sundown. Here's hoping they won't run into too much traffic on their travels... Just one day to go, hang in there boys and girls, not long now! speaking of which... I'd better get packing...
Such a beautifully sunny day in London today, going to miss the buzz over here... really looking forward to Follonica though; "a tale of two cities"... that's it in a nutshell..
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
News "En Route"

Alyssa Cooper: On the road from Ireland to France; quite a long trip but with plenty of stops!! I was a little bit worried about Annie (Fairplay 111) on the ferry as we've never travelled on the boat with her before but she was a perfect angel. Went down twice to check on her but she was chilled like a seasoned traveller! Sugar (Clear CC) is not impressed with her new traveling companion as she pokes her nose underneath the partition and tries to play the WHOLE time! Looking forward to a few days rest when we get to France and a play in the field for the "ponies", then down to some serious business!!
Update: Nathan, Alyssa and the horses have arrived safely in Dover. All is well, i'm sure they're looking forward to a well-deserved 10 hour break...
Tuesday, 22 February 2011
Climate Change

I saw this yesterday and just had to share it! i think its ingenious. It was part of a display of fourteen arresting images called "Postcards from the Future".
"The display brings home the full impact of global warming, food scarcity, rising sea levels and how all Londoners will have to innovate and adapt to survive" http://www.museumoflondon.org.uk
The center of London is covered with water as giant wind turbines are set to work throughout. Just enrolled myself in the "Offshore Wind Power: Economics & Risk" day training course at the Green Power Academy on the 11th April, so i thought this image was very fitting! I'll be flying back from Nice on the Sunday evening after the Grand Prix in San Remo, the course starts at 9am Monday morning and goes on all day, really excited about this!
Monday, 21 February 2011
Quote of the Day
Change is inevitable in a progressive society.
Change is constant.
Benjamin Disraeli
British Prime Minister
Saturday, 19 February 2011
Last night at BallyLawn

My last night in Ireland for a while... Heading off to london in the morning (by car) - should be an adventure if nothing else!
Today was an eventful day. Jumped all four horses in the outdoor (mini course). Merlin & Curly (the two older boys) were in fighting form, the latter might need a weekend of small classes to get back into the swing of things - such a big set of bones to maneuver about the place, doesn't quite know what to do with himself... Merlin on the other hand (old faithful) should be up for the challenge (Follonica 4-6 March). Francis pointed out to me how easy it is to become a perfectionist and expect the same in return, when you think back on how they were a year ago, or just three months ago, you realize how far they've come. They never stop learning, even Merlin the oldest, year on year he continually improves his technique - which was nothing short of magic to begin with!
Clear CC ( CC Holsteiner breeding - 7 year old) has quite the temper as always, she jumped her first water-fence today with flying colours! starting to see some improvement in her mouth now - accepting the bit more and generally softening. She has such a powerful jump that were she to just settle down who knows how far she could go - she's getting there though, all in good time.
Last but not least Annie (aka Fairplay 111 - 6 year old) she's a bombshell, enough said. we did our second practice round as i've only had her for three weeks - bringing her down to Italy for Mickey McCann (owner), can't wait to see how we get on down there. I think she'll knock a few people's socks off.
The lorry's leaving wednesday morning. I'll keep you posted. As I've said before: Let it begin.
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