Sorry for the late post. Its been a hectic week. Got back to London Monday afternoon and spent the last two days uploading all available videos to youtube. They're up now anyhow so please take a look at my channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/SFinetto?feature=mhum
Merlin was by far my star of the last show: Placed 9th in the 1m50 GP Qualifier Friday, 6th in the GP qualifier Saturday, and 3rd in the 10,000€ mini GP on the Sunday. You just couldn't ask for more! He was in tip top form - As he is slightly anemic and felt a tad under the weather the week before, we gave him a series of 5 blood boosters over 5 days. And they certainly left their mark as you can see in the picture with Alyssa and Annie... back to his old tricks.
Curly was just having one of those weekends where you wish you had never bothered to get out of bed. 1down in the GP Qualifier friday and popped him half way around the 1m30 saturday. All sounds fine so far, but he just didn't feel like his usual perky self. He had endured a slight disruption to his routine in the week and it didn't go down well... to be honest i never thought he'd be so particular :-) Anyways; took a shot at the Grand prix and he decided to drop three fences within the first 5 before he got his act together. In fairness a lot of fences fell in that class, only one clear round and even the 8-faulters made it to the second round. But either way this is very unlike him. He is usually clear or one down, and sticks to those odds, but two or three times a year he just says "thats it... I'm not getting out of bed today"... What can I say... He's the boss, I just go along for the ride.
The girls (Clear and Fairplay) were in good form too. A fifth place for Clear and a clear round for Annie. Both exhausted now.
They arrived back at our place in France around 1am Monday morning and spent the last two days roaming the field. I get back to them Friday morning, just in time to regroup!
keep you posted as always.
Update: The organisers of the Follonica Jumping Tour got me to sign of picture of myself and Merlin to use in the advertisements and promotion of the tour next year. So nice of them!
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